Living Wage

Partners with Fair Trade USA

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How many times has the question been asked when purchasing a Fair Trade product, how do I really know that my dollars are helping people in the developing world?


Fair Trade USA is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, they are the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. They provide farmers in developing nations the tools to thrive as international business people. Instead of creating dependency on aid, they use a market-based approach that gives farmers fair prices, workers safe conditions, and entire communities resources for fair, healthy and sustainable lives. They seek to inspire the rise of the Conscious Consumer and eliminate exploitation.

It is this organization that Fair Trade World is accountable!  We are a Licensed Partner with Fair Trade USA, and that means that they monitor our supply chains. This ensures that the farmers are receiving the proper Fair Trade wage and the many community benefits that the Fair Trade model provides.

Without accountability, you would never truly know that your dollars are making a difference!  So please buy Fair Trade Certified goods and help change one life at a time!

Licensed Partner Link: View this link to verify that Fair Trade World is a licensed partner with Fair Trade USA.

Thank you for helping fight poverty and slavery!